Worth It Warriors are a unique breed. Unlike other gyms where people are simply interested in their own fitness journey, my Warriors are a tribe. They immediately greet each other with a smile and a warm hello when entering a class or workout session, they offer compliments and observations as others improve, they encourage each other, they simply become family. They don’t care if you’ve been working out for decades and a seasoned gym rat or if this is the first time you’ve broken a sweat since high school, you become part of the Tribe.

You don’t have to be in competition shape to join us. As a matter of fact, no one shows up that way. And not everyone training together is training to compete. Most simply want to be healthier, have their clothes fit better, feel good in their skin. Doesn’t matter to the Warriors what your goal is, you’re part of the Tribe. And like any successful Tribe, us Warriors, we stick together!